Saturday, September 13, 2008

Iphone Modem

Remember Netshare? Still a user? Well here comes something better. The guys over at have developed an application that is very similar to Netshare, only 10 times easier. You simply grab the app from Cydia, go to and download the helper app, load them and pair them, and viola! You are tethering from your iPhone. Are there any restrictions? Well, currently, their helper app is only compatible with MacOS 10.5. If you are using any other OS then you will have to create a Wifi network between your iPhone and computer manually (which defeats the purpose of easy.) They are currently working on porting their helper app over to Windows and other OS's though. If you are feeling generous then head over to their website and let them know you are very interested in them porting the helper app to other OS's.


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